Ever wondered who will pay off your credit card bills or car loan after you are dead? Who will take care of your family expenses and fund your child's college education, pay your medical bills and your funeral expenses? Has this question set your pulse rate rising? Well if you have a term life insurance you need not worry about anything.
If you are a young person, married, and about to buy basic insurance, term insurance is not the long-term answer. You need permanent coverage until you die, at the lowest net cost. Why? Well, take the case of Mrs. Widow, age 78, at the other end of life. Her husband had carried twenty-year level-premium term life insurance for $500,000. He died fifteen years after it had passed its twenty-year mark. It was too expensive to renew and after all they had bought it to cover the family's Manulife Vitality needs until the children were through school. Unfortunately, retirement savings were inadequate, and Mrs. Widow has had to sell their home, hoping she can manage to live off the net sale proceeds until she dies.
The idea is to give them more value with lower price. if a product is $100 and you give it 20% discount to $80, this will make them think they got a $100 worth of product for just $80. Wow a Manulife Vitality Plan great offer.
Dirty Teeth and Smelly Clothing Bring Higher Cleaning Cost: Yep, just keeping in special toothpaste, breath mints are an added cost, but you have to have your clothing cleaned more often.
C) Set up a tracking link for each client. Once you have talked to your client send them an email thanking them for participating Manulife Vitality health program and include a tracking link to your website that they can use.
It's no different in the Life Insurance world. Life Agents are licensed, trained professionals. A generic price quote is no different than a doctor who says "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." You got "something" but is it really helpful to you?
In the end, the situation is like this. The child is out of the house and no longer dependent on you. You don't have any debt. You have enough money to live off of, and pay for your funeral (which now costs thousands of dollars because the DEATH INDUSTRY has found new ways to make money by having people spend more honor and money on a person after they die then they did while that person was alive). So... at this point, what do you need insurance for? Exactly... absolutely nothing! So why would you buy Whole Life (a.k.a. DEATH) Insurance? The idea of a 179 year old person with grown children who don't depend on him/her still paying insurance premiums is asinine to say the least.
The best part about being in a licensed industry compared to the unlicensed area of the MLM players is that those who try to mislead or hurt others can quickly be removed and barred. This protects the industry and the individual efforts of those who genuinely like helping people in need.